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36/38, (40 / 42-44 / 46-48 / 50)
Yarn (50% sheep’s wool, 50% cotton; 155 m / 50 g) - 400 ( 450-450-500) g blue; circular knitting needles No. 3 60 cm long; circular knitting needles No. 3.5, length 60 and 80 cm; knitting needles number 3,5.
rows - front loops, wrong rows - wrong loops. In circular rows, knit all the loops face.
1st R. / Krug.R .: knit purl.
From the 2nd to the 6th river / circle.R .: knit with the front surface.
In height, repeat from the 1st to the 6th row.
In the facial and circular rows after the marker = 1 person., Using the left knitting needle from front to back, grab the next broach and knit the face crossed in front of the marker: with the left knitting needle from rear to front, grab the broach and knit the front one, 1 person.
In the wrong rows after the marker = 1 out., Use the left knitting needle to grab the next stretch from back to front and knit the wrong one; in front of the marker = left needle, grab a broach from front to back and knit the wrong side crossed, 1 out.
At the beginning of the row (after the turn), lay the thread before work, insert the spoke on the right in the 1st paragraph and remove the loop with the thread. Then pull the thread back strongly, as a result, the loop is put on the knitting needle and you get a double loop.
For a deeper neckline, knit the rows in shortened rows to start the shoulder yoke. To do this, leave the number of loops at the end of the row indicated in the instructions untied, turn the work, knit the 1st st, like a double loop, and knit the row in the opposite direction. In the next row, above the double loop, grab both parts of the double loop together and knit according to the pattern - front or back.
For low rounds, at the beginning of knitting of the sleeves, perform shortened rows in the “wrap and turn” method. To do this, leave the number of loops indicated in the instructions at the end of the row unassembled, leave the working thread in the front rows at work and remove the next loop, as with purl knitting, transfer the thread to the front side and retake the loop to the left knitting needle, then turn the work to the wrong leave the working thread before work, remove the next loop, as with the wrong side of knitting, transfer the thread to the wrong side and retake the loop to the left knitting needle, then turn the work.
After a loop with a marker = 1 p., 2 p. Knit together on the wrong side; before a loop with a marker = 2 p. knit together purl crossed, 1 out.
2 p., One by one, remove, as with face knitting, insert the left knitting needle into the removed loops and knit them together with the front crossed.
2 p. ., 2 p. Knit together front crossed, from * repeat.
22 p. X 30 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by facial smoothness;
22 p. X 34 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by a pattern in a transverse scar.
Samples made on needles No. 3.5.
The jumper is knitted, starting from the neck, with decorative shoulder bevels, from top to bottom in circular rows. The arrows on the pattern indicate the direction of knitting.
For shorter circular knitting needles No. 3,5 dial 144 (148-152-156) p. And close the loops in the ring.
Knit 1 circle.R. facial, while marking the loops as follows: attach the marker to the transition from row to row = left shoulder line, the first 72 (74-76-78) p. form the back, attach the marker = right shoulder line, the next 72 (74-76- 78) n. Form before.
Knit with the front stitch, while doing the shortened rows with a double loop as follows: from the transition from row to row knit 1 person., 1 increase, then knit facial, not reaching 1 point to the next marker, 1 increase, 2 persons., 1 increase, 3 persons., leave the remaining stitches untied, turn the work and knit seamy in the opposite direction to the transition from row to row, 1 out., 1 increase, 3 out., turn the work and knit before and after the markers, perform 1 increment (= 4 added loops in each row) , at the end of the row, knit 3 p. more, turn the work and knit the wrong side, at the same time, knit 3 p. more.
Thus, continue to knit further with the front stitch, while doing the 1st st., As double. On each side at the end of the row, knit another 1 time 3 p. More, then 3 times 4 p. More, with both parts of the double loop of the previous row knit together.
At the same time in every 2 r. (= persons. row) to perform before and after the markers 1 increase.
After 10 shortened rows = 11 lap.r./r. from the set row, knit on all loops in circular rows with the front stitch, while continuing to perform in each 2nd circle. before and after the markers 1 increase. If necessary, switch to longer circular knitting needles.
After 11 (11.5-12.5-13) cm = 33 (35-37-39) circle.R./R. from the typesetting on the knitting needles 208 (216-224-232) p.
Divide the work for armholes in places with markers and first knit for 104 (108-112-116) st. From the transition from row to row to the 2nd marker (= back) with a pattern in a transverse hem, the following 104 (108-112-116 ) p. between the 2nd marker and the transition from row to row (= front) to postpone.
After 10.5 (11.5-13-14) cm = 36 (40-44-48) p. from the division of work add for armholes on both sides 1 time for 1 p., then in each 4th p. another 4 times, 1 p. = 114 (118-122-126) p. After 16.5 (17.5-19-20) cm = 56 (60-64-68) p. from the division of the work of the loop, set aside and knit in the same way for 104 (108-112-116) p. = = 114 (118-122-126) p.
After 16.5 (17.5-19-20) cm = 56 (60-64-68) p. from the separation of parts, connect the front and back as follows: knit 114 (118-122-126) p. front, additionally dial 5 (9-13-17) p., knit deferred back loops, additionally dial 5 (9-13-17 ) item and close the work in the ring.
Mark the middle loops with the marker on the newly dialed 5 (9-13-17) sts (= lines of the side seam). On all 238 (254-270-286) sts. Knit in a transverse hem, loops marking the side lines, knit only purl and in the 1st circle. shift the transition from row to row by 2 (4-6-8) p. to the right to the wrong loop of the side seam line so that there is no displacement in the pattern into the transverse scar.
For lateral bevels, run on both sides of the lines of the side seams in the 17th (13-15-11th) circle. (= out. circular row of the pattern) from the armholes for 1 decorative decrease (= 4 diminished loops per 1 circle). Repeat these reductions 4 more times in each 12th circle. = 218 (234-250-266) p.
After 24.5 (23.5-22-21) cm = 84 (80-76-72) circle. from the armhole knit another 7.5 cm = 22 circle facial smoothness, while continuing to line the side seams and knit 2 circle. wrong side.
Then fix the loop in the form of a hollow cord, finally connect the remaining 2 p.
With the beginning of the cord with a “loop to loop” stitch.
On the knitting needles No. 3.5, on the edges of the armhole, dial the loops as follows: start in the middle of the armhole on the left next to the wrong loop of the side seam line, knit 2 (4-6-8) st. From newly dialed loops for the lower part of the okata, 74 (78 82-86) p. Along the edge of the armhole, then 2 (4-6-8) p. From additionally typed loops of the lower part of the armhole to the middle of the armhole and 1 p. From the loop of the side seam line = 79 (87-95-103) p .
Mark marker move from row to row, loop distribute on 4 needles and knit stocking 1 krug.r. facial, with the last loop for the seam line to continue to knit the wrong side.
Next, knit with the front stitch, while for the formation of a low okat, perform shortened rows in the “wrap and turn” method as follows: knit with the front, not reaching 14 (18-22-26) sts before moving from row to row, rotate the work, knit the wrong side , not reaching 13 (17-21-25) p. before moving from row to row, rotate the work, * knit with personal items 2 p. more, rotate the work, knit with purl 2 p. more, rotate the work, from * repeat 4 (5-6-7) times.
After 12 (14-16-18) shortened rows = at the height of the okata 13 (15-17-19) circle. from the beginning of the typesetting row, knit on all 79 (87-95-103) stitches with face stitch in circular rows, while continuing to knit the wrong loop for the seam line.
After 29.5 (27.5-26-24) cm = 88 (82-78-72) circle. from the beginning of the ok start to decrease to form a puff sleeve. To do this, first note the loops: 15 (16-17-18th) p., 25 (27-29-31th) p., 35 (38-41-44th) p., 44 (49-54 -59th) p., 54 (60-66-72th) p. And 64 (71-78-85th) p.
In the next circular row, decrease as follows: knit the first 2 p. Together with the front, then knit 3 times in 1 marked loop with the previous loop together face, then knit 3 times in 1 marked loop with the next loop together face crossed = decrease with a simple knot (using the SSK technique), 2 last stitches in front of the seam line also knit together with the crossed face = 8 reduced loops per 1 circle. Repeat these decreases another 4 (5-5-6) times in each 2nd circle. = 39 (39-47-47) p.
Knit another 3 circle. facial smoothness without decrease and 2 laps. purl, then fasten the loop in the form of a hollow cord and connect the remaining 2 p. to the beginning of the cord with a “loop to loop” stitch.
On circular knitting needles No. 3, dial along the edges of the neck of the front and back in 72 (74-76-78) sts. = 144 (148-152-156)
st. facial, * 2 circle. purl and 2 circle facial, from * repeat 3 times, 2 laps. wrong side; height of the inlay = 4 cm. Then fix the loops in the form of a hollow cord and connect the remaining 2 p. to the beginning of the cord.