Cute Owls

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

LEGS blue yarn (any other at your discretion) 
01. [SBN] 6x in the amigurumi ring
02. [ approx  .] 6x (12 P) 
03. [SBN, approx.] 6x (18 P) 
04. [2 SBN, approx .] 6x (24 P) 
05. [sb only behind the back wall of the column] to the end of the row (24 P) 
06–08. (3 rows) [sbn] to the end of the row (24 P) 
09. 8 sbn, [kill] x4, 8 sbn (20 P) 
10. 8 sbn, [kill] x2, 8 sbn (18 P) 
11. 8 sbn, ass., 8 sbn (17 P) 
12-14. (3 rows) [sbn] to the end of the row (17 P) 
15. 4 sbn, approx. 7 sbn, prib. 4 sbn (19 P) 
16. [sbn] to the end of the row (19 P) 
17. [sbn] ] to the end of the row (19 P) 
18. 5 sbn, prib, 7 sbn, prib, 5 sbn (21 P) 
19–20. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (21 P) 
21. 4 sbn, prib, 11 sbn, prib, 4 sbn (23 P) 
22. [sb] to the end of the row (23 P) 
Cut the thread and tie the same second leg. 
After both legs are ready, hold them together, while the feet are directed away from you and slightly to the sides (i.e., we start knitting from the back). 
Now connect 2 loops in the place where the legs are in contact, with a crochet. This loop is now considered the beginning of this and all subsequent rows. 
Now you need to connect the 1st row in the form of an “eight” around the perimeter of both legs, for a total of 46 sc, and you will find yourself exactly on the connecting loop between the legs, on the back of the body (= 1st body circle). 
NOTICE: It’s easier now to start filling your legs tightly with a pad. After the torso is ready, 
filling it up in its entirety will be much more difficult due to a rather narrow throat hole. 

ОВ BODY continue knitting 
(blue thread) 
02. 22 sbn, approx., 22 sbn, approx. (48 P) 
03. [sb] to the end of the row (48 P) 
04. [11 sb, approx.] 4x (52 P) 
05. + 06. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (52 P) 
07. [12 sb, app.] 4x (56 P) 
08.-10. (3 rows) [sbn] to the end of the row (56 P) 
11. 19 sbn., Approx. 7 sbn., Approx. 7 sbn.,
Prib .  20 sbn (59 P) 
12.-16. (5 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (59 P) 
NOTICE: From this point you should begin to 
gradually stuff the doll’s body with cotton wool. Later, 
fill and evenly distribute the cotton wool through the throat 
the hole will not be as easy as it is now. 
17. 14 SBN, UB., 27 SBN, UB., 14 SBN (57 P) 
18.-20. (3 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (57 P) 
21. [ass., 17 sb] 3x (54 P) 
22. [sb] to the end of the row (54 P) 
23. [un, 16 sb] 3x (51 P) 
24. [SBN] to the end of the row (51 P) 
25. [UB, 15 SBN] 3x (48 P) 
26. [SBN] to the end of the row (48 P) 
27. [UB, 14 SBN] 3x (45 P) 
28. [sb] to the end of the row (45 P) 
29. [kill, 13 sb] 3x (42 P) 
30. + 31. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (42 P) 
32. [kill, 12 sb] 3x (39 P) 
33. + 34. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (39 P) 
35. [kill, 11 sb] 3x (36 P) 
36. + 37. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (36 P) 
38. [kill, 10 sb] 3x (33 P) 
39. + 40. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (33 P) 
41. [kill, 9 sb] 3x (30 P) 
42. + 43. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (30 P) 
44. [kill, 8 sb] 3x (27 P) 
45. [sb] to the end of the row (27 P) 
46. ​​[kill, 7 sb] 3x (24 P) 
47. [SBN] to the end of the row (24 P) 
48. [UB, 6 SBN] 3x (21 P) 
49. [SBN] to the end of the row (21 P) 
50. [UB, 5 SBN] 3x (18 P) 
Cut the thread. 

HEAD Continue knitting 
(beige / brown /
flesh thread)  51. [2 sb, prib] 6x (24 P) 
52. [3 sb, prib] 6x (30 P) 
53. [4 sb, prib] 6x (36 P) 
54. [5 sbn, prib] 6x (42 P) 
55. [6 sbn, prib] 6x (48 P) 
56. [7 sb, prib] 6x (54 P) 
57. [8 sb, prib] 6x (60 P) 
58. [9 SBN, prib] 6x (66 P) 
Here is exactly the place where you can attach your eyes. The distance between the eyes is 11 loops. 
59-68. (10 rows) [SBN] to the end of the row (66 P) 
69. [UB, 9 SBN] 6x (60 P) 
70. [UB, 8 SBN] 6x (54 P) 
71. [UB, 7 SBN] 6x (48 P) 
72. [UB, 6 SBN] 6x (42 P) 
73. [UB, 5 SBN] 6x (36 P) 
74. [UB, 4 SBN ] 6x (30 P) 
75. [UB, 3 PRS] 6x (24 P) 
76. [UB, 2 PRS] 6x (18 P) 
77. [UB, PR] 6x (12 P) 
78. [ Dec.] 6x (6 P) 
79. Dec. To the end of the row, 
cut the thread. 

Knit beige / brown / flesh yarn 
01. [sb] 6x, tighten the ring 
02. [prib] 6x (12 P) 
03. [sb] to the end of the row (12 P) 
04. [sb, prib] 6x (18 P ) 
05. + 06. (2 rows) 18 sbn (18 P) 
07. 4 sc in the first P, 17 sbn (21 P) 
08. sbn, ub3sbn, vp, 17 sbn (20 P) 
09. 20 sbn (20 P) 
10. sbn, Ub, 17 sbn (19 P) 
cut the thread. 
Change the thread to dark brown / gray 
11. [sb only for the back walls] to the end of the row (19 P) 
12-13. (2 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (19 P) 
Change the thread to blue 
14. Ub., 17 sb (18 P) 
15-23. (9 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (18 P) 
24. Ub., 16 sb (17 P) 
25-28. (4 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (17 P) 
29. Ub., 15 sb (16 P) 
30-38. (9 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (16 P) 
39. Ub., 14 sb (15 P) 
40-46. (7 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (15 P) 

Fill your hand tightly with cotton and a little bit of the arm 
to the elbow. Fold the hole in your hand in half so that the 
thumb points forward when the hand rests 
on the body. Knit the opposite sides together 
columns without a crochet (6 sbn). Leave the long end and 
cut the thread. 

HOOD! (blue thread): 
01. [SBN] 6x in the Amigurumi ring
02. [ approx  .] 6x (12 P) 
03. [SBN, approx.] 6x (18 P) 
04. [2 SBN, approx.] 6x (24 P) 
05. [3 sbn, approx.] 6x (30 P) 
06. [4 sbn, prib.] 6x (36 P) 
07. [5 sbn, prib.] 6x (42 P) 
08. [6 sbn. approx.] 6x (48 P) 
09. [7 SBN, approx.] 6x (54 P) 
10. [8 SBN, approx.] 6x (60 P) 
11. [9 SBN, approx.] 6x (66 P) 
12.-23. (12 rows) [sb] to the end of the row (66 P) 
NOTICE: If the hood comes out too narrow 
and barely fits on a tightly packed head, tie 
another or two simple rows without increases or decreases 
before you finish the hood with the last two 
rows with decreases. Conversely, if the hood is 
too large, knit not 12 rows, as indicated in the 
instructions, but one or two less. 
24. [kill, 9 sb] 6x (60 P) 
25. [kill, 8 sb] 6x (54 P) 
Cut the thread, but make sure that the remaining length is 
enough to later sew the hood to the body. 

Little Owlet! 
BODY AND HEAD! (blue thread, any other):
01. [SBN] 6x in the Amigurumi ring
02. [ approx  .] 6x (12 P) 
03. [SBN, approx.] 6x (18 P) 
04. [2 SBN, approx.] 6x (24 P) 
05. [3 PRS, approx.] 6x (30 P) 
06. [4 PRS, approx.] 6x (36 P) 
07-17. In a circle (36 P) on the 17th row, if desired, change the thread to the desired shade (gray, purple, blue, etc.) 
18. [4 SBN, UB.] 6x (30 P) 
19. [3 SBN, UB. ] 6x (24P) 
Fill the owlet, fold in half 
20. 1 ss, into the second loop (ssn, ssn, ssn), 8 ss, into the penultimate loop (ssn, ssn, ssn), 1 ss (12) 

WINGS! !!! 
We collect 4 air loops: 
01. We begin to knit in a circle, in the second loop from the hook 1 sbn, 3 sbn into one loop, 2 sbn, Pr))))) 
02. Pr, 2sbn, 5 sbn in one loop, 4 sbn, Etc. (15) 
03. 1 sbn, Pr, 5sbn, 5 sbn in one loop, 6 sbn, Pr. (21) 
04. 3 SBN 
Leave the thread for sewing))) 
Photo of the finished wings, attached !!! 


EYES !!! 
01. [sb] 6x in the amigurumi ring
02. [ prib  ] 6x (12 P) 
03. [sb, prib] 6x (18 P) 
Leave the thread for sewing, make out the eyes of the little girl !!!)))) Embroider the nose !!!! 

01. [sb] 6x in the amigurumi ring (we leave a long tail at the beginning to sew the center of the eye to the cap) 
02. [approx.] 6x (12 P) 
03. [sb, prib.] 6x (18 P) 
04. [2 SBN, approx.] 6x (24 P) 
05. [3 SBN, approx.] 6x (30 P) 
06. [4 SBN, approx.] 6x (36 P) 
07. [5 SBN, approx. ] 6x (42 P) knit another sbn, then ss and fasten the thread, leaving a tail for sewing eyes along the edge to the cap. So that the bottom edge is even 3 rows above the edge of the cap. in the middle there should be sharp edges of the eye, and between them there should be 1 row. 
We embroider cilia with a dark thread. 
We simply embroider the nose between the eyes with a dark thread. 

The ears on our sample are just knots of thread, but you can naturally make any others.

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